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Amin1: Anopheles minimus genome variation data resource
12 Nov 2021


The Vector Observatory Asia is a project using whole-genome sequencing to study genetic variation and evolution in natural populations of mosquitoes in Southeast Asia.

This page provides an overview of the open data resources released as part of the first phase of the Vobs Asia project. The Amin1 data resource includes genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calls, and associated data for 302 wild-caught mosquitoes collected from Cambodia.


All samples in Amin1 have been sequenced individually to high coverage using Illumina technology at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. These sequence data have then been analysed to identify genetic variants. After variant calling, both the samples and the variants have been through a range of quality control analyses, to ensure the data are of high quality. Both the raw sequence data and the curated variant calls will be made openly available for download and analysis.

The Amin1 user guide is a useful companion to these data providing detailed information about the data, how to access and analyse in the cloud using free interactive computer services and Jupyter Notebooks.

Terms of use and citation

Data from Amin1 are released openly and can be downloaded and analysed for any purpose. If you have any questions about the terms of use, please email Publications using these data should acknowledge and cite the source of the data using the following format: “This publication uses data from the MalariaGEN Vector Observatory – Asia as described in ‘Population genomics reveal distinct and diverging populations of An. minimus in Cambodia – a widespread malaria vector in Southeast Asia; Brandyce St. Laurent et al; bioRxiv 2021.11.11.468219; doi:‘”

Contributing studies

The Vector Observatory Asia – An. minimus study includes contributing investigators who are carrying out independent research studies in malaria-endemic regions, and who have contributed mosquito specimens or mosquito DNA samples collected in the course of their own research. In total, 3 studies contributed samples to Amin1, including wild-caught specimens from Cambodia.

For further information about these contributing studies, the researchers involved, and the collection sites and methods, please see the Vector Observatory Asia.