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Af1.2: Anopheles funestus data resource

Released on 29 Apr 2024.


The MalariaGEN Vector Observatory Anopheles funestus data resource version 1.2 (Af1.2) contains single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calls and SNP haplotypes from whole-genome sequencing of Anopheles funestus mosquitoes collected in Burkina Faso (177 samples), Cameroon (81 samples) and Tanzania (59 samples).

This release includes openly-available data from one literature study:

Small, S. T., Costantini. C., Sagnon, N. et al. Standing genetic variation and chromosome differences drove rapid ecotype formation in a major malaria mosquito. PNAS. 120(11) e2219835120 (2023).


Data sets

Af1.2 Contributing Studies

1236 – Anopheles funestus vector surveillance in Tanzania

1281 – Malaria vector surveillance, population genetics and insecticide resistance characterization in four eco-epidemiological settings in Cameroon


Af1.2 Terms of Use

Data from this project will be made publicly available before journal publication. Unless otherwise stated, analyses of project data are ongoing and publications are in preparation by project partners, and it is not permitted to use project data for publication (including any type of communication with the general public) without prior permission from the originating partner studies.

Although malaria is generally an endemic rather than an epidemic disease, and the focus of this project is on surveillance of disease vectors rather than pathogens, our data terms of use build on MalariaGEN’s approach to data sharing, and adopt norms which have been established for rapid sharing of pathogen genomic data during disease outbreaks. The primary rationale for this approach is that malaria remains a public health emergency, where ethically appropriate and rapid sharing of genomic surveillance data can help to detect and respond to biological threats such as new forms of insecticide resistance, and to adapt malaria vector control strategies to different settings and changing circumstances.

If you have any questions regarding these terms of use, please contact

Af1.2 Data Access

Please visit the release page on the vector data guide to find out more about how to access the data.

Af1.2 Sample Locations

Mosquitoes were collected from across 3 countries – Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Tanzania.